Totally rocking the big bed. You haven't fallen out yet (touch wood) and you absolutely love it. In fact I kinda shut the door to your room some days to stop you playing in it constantly.
After about a week of bbb you decided it was time to leave the sleeping bag out. So we tried it and you slept fine, and mostly keep your doona on. So that's a few nights now without you sleeping bag too. Lots of exciting times.
Last night you even told me you were tired and asked for milk in your bbb. Still hated having to put on pjs but negotiated ok when you realised that meant we went in the bbb next.
Now we lay together in bed and read and book, you have a milk and usually drift off with a 'once there was a little boy called john' story. Basically real life John stories about going to the big movies, Christmas, the zoo, your birthday. I'm so proud of you- might be time to pack up the cot soon :(