Thursday, 27 February 2014
Poor little fellas...
Welcome to emergency JM! Screamed yourself to sleep on the way back down from having your bits ultrasound'd. Visiting the hospital is a family tradition. How do you get a urine sample from an 11wk old you ask?
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Morning merry-go-round
One kid is out for a nappy change, a furkid takes his opportunity for some affection. Wilma is on strike, she does not like wet pavement for toilet in the morning.
Little man before bed last night- almost three months old and still so tiny. He is starting to enjoy cuddles I think. Dad.
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Change table
Did we mention we didn't buy a change table yet? John is 11 weeks tomorrow and almost doesn't fit in the drawer anymore ;)
First experience of the ocean on Sunday- sat John in the shallows and so came the tears, with Wilma trying to get in the act. John very handsome though in his first swimsuit courtesy of grandad.
Reading time
Starting to introduce books, especially at bed time. You love this free one from SA Health with simple pics in it. Plus it gives us the chance to fill in the 'gaps' with special notes about you.
Saturday, 22 February 2014
Before you came in to the world...
A big monkey, everyone had a punt on gender, what date and what weight you would arrive at. In the end, you refused to be hurried. Mum had induced labour for 23 hours, halting at 9cm for the last 5 hours, before you came out the highway (my way or the highway held true!).
We listened to your little heart for a couple of days before we met you (dad on less drugs than mum). The nurses all got in on the gambling act too, posting their guesses on a piece of paper towel on the wall. Midwives came, went, and arrived back at work again to learn that we were still there, with no baby John.
We did not have a name for you until a few hours after your birth. Many were surprised that we did not know your gender either. We settled on John Murphy, a link back to your Costar heritage, and it suited your old man look. We suspect that, already, John Costar is a proud Grandad.
Anyway, this has been written in February 2014, so that you were old enough to help type it up (to be honest though, you are a tricky monkey to work with and have kept us busy and in awe the last couple of months. They have gone very quickly and you are growing just the same.
All our love, mum and dad.
The hospital food for the patients was amazing, however the food in he cafeteria tasted like onion powder. No matter what the dish. Mmmm onion.
Christmas with your Belgian family, Eoh and Evi.
We listened to your little heart for a couple of days before we met you (dad on less drugs than mum). The nurses all got in on the gambling act too, posting their guesses on a piece of paper towel on the wall. Midwives came, went, and arrived back at work again to learn that we were still there, with no baby John.
We did not have a name for you until a few hours after your birth. Many were surprised that we did not know your gender either. We settled on John Murphy, a link back to your Costar heritage, and it suited your old man look. We suspect that, already, John Costar is a proud Grandad.
Anyway, this has been written in February 2014, so that you were old enough to help type it up (to be honest though, you are a tricky monkey to work with and have kept us busy and in awe the last couple of months. They have gone very quickly and you are growing just the same.
All our love, mum and dad.
BBQ at bugs lane with mum and the neighbours. John was on his best behaviour until the 'witching hour' kicked in but napping now in the car. Cool weather so he is all rugged up in his sausage dog blanket- very sweet.
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Daddy day care
John and dad hanging out today with me in for a day surgery procedure. Looks like all went well, both happy if not a bit tired- I don't think much napping occurred.
Luckiest girl in the world to have this gorgeous family pick me up and buy me taro duck to assist with recovery x
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
10 weeks
The cheekiest cutest smiley monkey is 10 weeks old. Addicted to these smiles. They make you feel like the most special person in the world. On the flip side the tears are heartbreaking!
Monday, 17 February 2014
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Travs nickname for the lil guy is pudg (podg?) and he was looking very pudg-esque this evening. Busy day, Nanna and Opa visited with mum and they all got a few smiles. Attempted our first real bath today too, which was initially met with screaming but then not too bad. We will work on it !
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Lunch at ikea
IPicked up a bookcase and some lunch at ikea today. Lots of good spots for john to eat.
Friday, 14 February 2014
Celebrated v-day at home with Carmine's delivered yum! Little man looking so grown up, finally cool enough to put him in a wonder suit with the crazy amount of rain today. At least he will wear it once before the 40 days are back.
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
To the movies!
A day out whilst the builders were at the house. John and I headed to the movies and managed a fairly relaxed session, except for the melted choctop once is finished feeding.
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
2 months
What a gorgeous little man at 2 months. We get super cute smiles and very sad faces. He can suck his 'thumb' (kind of his whole fist), has pretty good head control and will capture your gaze with his big blues.
Monday, 10 February 2014
Number threes
Just love a number three. Specially at bed time and specially when it goes all over my clothing and the couch throw. Lots of washing to be done tomorrow.
Sunday, 9 February 2014
First date
Our first outing sans John to see TheWolf of Wall Street. John was looked after by granny and super well behaved, not like tonight...
Ahh, he's even cute when screaming :)
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
8 weeks young
Ventured to west lakes today, just me and the lil man. Made it without any issues. Mike came over for corned beef and ice cream from the deli. Lots of cuddles still required in the afternoon- forced rest time.
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Monday, 3 February 2014
Sunday, 2 February 2014
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