The official footwear of the Le Fevre Peninsula.
Friday, 30 May 2014
Thursday, 29 May 2014
A sunny day
A gorgeous sunny day for a walk to semaphore for baby bounce. Went for coffee with the cafhs girls after. I was in charge of watching all the babes whilst the ladies got ready.
Sitting, rolling, sleeping
You can almost sit up unassisted now! Well apart from the crazy 'throw yourself back' manouvere which would most certainly see you with a concussion it is so violent. So obviously I don't let you sit up alone yet (apart from when I take a piccie...).

Hanging out with dad the other night. Dad smoking a highlighter (who pulls that pose?) ignoring his son rolling under the pusher. We can't leave you anywhere now.
Uncle Josh
Happy birthday Uncle Josh.
Sorry I was late to your birthday party- I had to stop on the way three times because mum and dad could not concentrate on driving with all my screaming.
Anyways, happy birthday, and remember that contraception is only 99 percent effective.
Much love. JM
Ps- slept like an angel at the party, and on the way home. What was in the punch?
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
More teeth
Your second tooth came up yesterday.
Lots of teething toys and a bit of grumbling which led to napping in my lap last night. The most beautiful moment when you lay there so safe and cuddly.
Sunday, 25 May 2014
Le weekend
After some boys time Saturday it was off to brunch with me and the bakers crew whilst daddy went to work (love you dad).
Your best skills come out when there is the opportunity to show off to others, and that you did- rolling over all the way over and not once but lots!! Whilst you did this once when you very first rolled over this has been the first time since and you nailed it! Looking forward to floor time tomorrow :)
Friday, 23 May 2014
Boys day.
Hanging with Dad at home while mum sees bad movie.
Had a swing, now on to some Scandinavian crime fiction.
Nothing to worry about mum;)
Xx JM.
Yes, that's what you did all over my face last night. Luckily (?) my glasses took some of the brunt but my eyes are still smarting from baby spew.
You still so cute...
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Hard days work
5months, 11days
Milestone! Your first little tooth cut through today. It's your bottom left one. Buggered if I can get a piccie of it though, you are keeping that trap shut :)
Very sad tears at 3am this morning when this must've been happening. Gave you some panadol and a feed but you were more interested in looking at your hands. Super sweet.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Hanging with my homies
Visiting Oliver and Chloe. Yummy treats for me and Bel and playtime for you- holding hands, giggles and, your new fave thing, grabbing your feet!
Sunday, 18 May 2014
Love getting out for a stroll with you. Yesterday we all walked down to semaphore (sans Mando) and stopped for a lunch. Sorry John but when Wilma is in tow she is the star attraction!
Library time
Friday we went to baby bounce at the library. You loved it so much you I think you whacked your maraca into your mouth (or chewed on it too hard) and bled everywhere!
Saturday, 17 May 2014
First moustache for Uncle Eddie!
Tonight we headed to Uncle Eddies birthday party at Torrensville (Alex Molnars place).
Planes flying overhead, and you wanted to play with the little boys playing with the garden hose reel.
You were not a huge fan of the tache- perhaps why you are screaming at 100db while we are parked in a backstreet on Henley Beach Rd.
We love you even when you are screaming like a fire truck. Glad we put the baby seat on the passenger side of the car.
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Seat with a view
The first time I've put you in the trolley on our shopping trip today. Being over 5 months I'm a bit happier to subject you to such germy things :) You were tired, teething and generally grumpy central but this kept you happy- a good view and you looked at everything.
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
What happens when you don't nap
After more than 2 hours trying to get you down for your late afternoon nap I finally caved and just feed you early. Then this.
So cute even when we are both exhausted. Tucked in bed happy now. I think the teggies are coming.
Monday, 12 May 2014
I'm a mum!
Mothers day was lovely yesterday. We had a very low key day, and spent it just us three (and the furries).
It's super special being a mum to such a happy content soul. I can already see an infectious happiness in you that makes me so proud. I know you will be always surrounded by love.
Saturday, 10 May 2014
Happy 1st Mothers Day!
Ma and JM enjoyed their first Mothers Day today- mostly rolling around on the floor and mum eating raspberry cream Haighs truffles.
Nice that JM is still so teeny for the first one- next year will be a very different affair we think.
Mum is getting teary, or more of a cold, so better get back to the gang.
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Sick baby bear
My poor little man with his first real cold. The doc said just to keep an eye on you as you look pretty good. The problem being you are never grumpy when there's company you little show pony! We are using baby fess which you hate and tilted your cot up. One major coughing fit which was a bit scary but you seem to be coping, we still get some small smiles x
Thursday, 1 May 2014
A rainy day
My baby bear is a bit under the weather today so the day is full of long naps and sleepy cuddles under a fluffy blanket- watching the birds in the rain. It is rainy, hailing and about 10 degrees but so warm in here. Wilma is quiet with her bone and Mando curled up on his chair. Now to cook some chicken stew and have wine and a DVD when dad gets home. The bestest day.
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