Righto. Your milk feeds are overnight and thenapprox 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm. Mix of breast and bottle. Your bottles are now 240ml. You couldn't even do 60 when you were a newborn.
So between all that we have 3 meals. They can't be too close to milk feeds and let's remember you still have 3 naps a day. This is definitely the hardest time to schedule getting out and about. I'm just grateful we are exploring new flavours. You will give everything a couple of try's now. But make it clear when you don't want it.
Yep, yoghurt in your eyes.
You should not be able to break a rusk in half! Not sure if this happened cause you bit it or just banged it really hard on your tray- which you spend most of the time doing. Whateves, the good stuff seems to be inside, like Wilma with the bone marrow, you were pretty pleased with this.