Thursday, 31 July 2014

Food glorious food

Keeping me so so busy at the moment is starting solids.
Righto. Your milk feeds are overnight and thenapprox 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm. Mix of breast and bottle. Your bottles are now 240ml. You couldn't even do 60 when you were a newborn.
So between all that we have 3 meals. They can't be too close to milk feeds and let's remember you still have 3 naps a day. This is definitely the hardest time to schedule getting out and about. I'm just grateful we are exploring new flavours. You will give everything a couple of try's now. But make it clear when you don't want it.

Yep, yoghurt in your eyes.
You should not be able to break a rusk in half! Not sure if this happened cause you bit it or just banged it really hard on your tray- which you spend most of the time doing. Whateves, the good stuff seems to be inside, like Wilma with the bone marrow, you were pretty pleased with this.

A busy week

It's been a busy week. A quick catch up..

Uncle Pete joined us for swimming on Sunday. You are getting much more confident in the water.
You are buggered after! Sleeping in the car whilst dropping off Pete and visiting Ann, George and Susie.

You support the Port!

Out to tea at the OG for Glen's 60th Monday night with Nanna and Opa.

Out with Josh, his new girl and Sascha Tuesday. You still sleep in your bassinet but you won't fit for long! Josh held you for the first time.

Out to lunch with grandad Thursday. We watched the storm come in over the ocean with soup and hot chips whilst you did fall asleep in your seat for the first time. Yay!

And we went walking with Jo and Ella, mums and bubs Pilates, did the usual million vacuums and mounds of washing, progressed in your almost crawling and today we are off to the library and Ryan's 30th. I've been trying to paint my nails for a week but who has the time ;).

Night time

The last couple of months you have been waking for a feed overnight, somewhere between 3 and 5am. Nowadays it only takes us 20 minutes for a feed, burp, cuddle and back to bed routine. This used to take an hour or more when you were a small baby.
I don't mind the night feeds (probably as you haven't done them too much!). It's just you and me. It's quiet. This morning (4.30am) we can hear the storm outside, waves and wind. You are snuggled up against me, your chubby little fingers constantly moving up and down my arm or holding on my finger while you feed. Your eyes close, you breathing slows. It's the only time you fall asleep feeding generally. 
Yesterday I realised it is impossible to capture how completely gorgeous you are in a photo. It's just not 3D enough. The sucked in cheeky grin, the bobbly head, the searching eyes, the chubby fingers.
I only hope I can remember it. And I'll keep taking hundreds of photos to try.
Night poppet.

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Party baby

Uncle Pete came to stay from Hong Kong last night. We had a big yummy dinner and you were a good party baby as always. Obliging for cuddles and then happy for bed. The fur babies were also into the action. Wilma loves staying inside when the guest room is occupied!

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

On the move

Some people would say you are crawling now but I don't think you are quite there in the traditional sense. You pivot on your belly, go backwards and lean on your side then back to tummy to inch forward. Combined with rolling you pretty much get anywhere. Here you managed to take baby Elmo along for the ride.
You do get stuck sometimes with too much reversing.


Baby hangout

Mums group yesterday. It's getting harder to keep you all in the one spot! You went exploring under the table. 

Saturday, 19 July 2014

A sleepy head

With a cold and teething sleep has been hard to come by this last week. 11pm tonight and we have just resettled you for the second time tonight. Stroking your forehead whilst singing mummy/daddy (Wilma/Mando) loves you on repeat works well.
Lots of sleepy morning cuddles. You already love the opportunity to come in our bed. I supervise whilst you and daddy snooze ;)

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

A visit from Marge

A big day of cleaning today. Yummy new marks and spencer quilt. Not quite Laura Ashley but I need to wait for a sale...
Had a visit from Marge. It poured when she arrived so Grandad had to keep moving the car to work out where to let her out. She has trouble walking. We talked about your great grandad, your namesake, who would be about 88 if he were still alive. 

Monday, 14 July 2014

Don't be grumpy at me

It's been your idea to be up 6 times tonight. I think you have a cold, maybe a little blood nose and are teething. Whatever it is we haven't had more than an hours sleep at once and your boogers are brown- gross. Xx

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Eating again

After what seemed like a strike, you seem to be happy to eat again. The strike largely continues against mummy's home made food but the vanilla custard is a winner. Oh well, as long as you are eating. 
Went to tea with the Murphy's Friday night at their fav digs, the Prince Room. Super rugged up as it's been very cold. You are the cutest star of the show, but a new baby cousin due in December may change that!

Friday, 11 July 2014

Cleaning your room.

Amazing what you find when cleaning up a room. 

The doctors and nurses that brought you in to the world all had a gambling streak. 

Thursday, 10 July 2014


My very advanced baby is already the next Pro Hart, at 7 months old today. I knew there was a reason he didn't want to actually eat the food..

Sophie to the rescue

Our poor mite is suffering, I think there are more teeth a-coming. We just went to our fav store to pick up a Sophie la girafe. Loving it already!

Exhibit A

For dad. I told you so xx

Quiet time on the coldest day in 10 years

Keeping warm inside today and we had a quiet cuddle on the couch. Normally you are too distracted by Wilma, Mando, a toy, dad of the teev. Today was nice.
Took crazy Wilma out for a walk later so rugged up (8 degrees). Everyone stopped us to pat Wilma and said how cute she is- she's a hard act to follow JM but I think you were super cute in your winter wear xx

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Mums group

Visiting with mums group today, hanging out in Pippa's bouncer.
You love showing off your moving skills and toy hogging to an audience. 

Monday, 7 July 2014

With my lil man


Swimming in the morning yesterday- you very bravely put your head under.

Hanging out with dad yesterday.
Exploring the room today. Stop trying to move the chairs!!
You are so strong and adventurous so you are quickly becoming stuck in places. Under the couch, on the coffee table, on/under the stools as evidenced.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Two middle fingers... or rusk!

Little man, you need to decide between your fingers or your rusk. 

Mum has just told you if you drop it one more time it's game over. 

Wilma is prowling in the hope of catching it. 

A big day today- car service in edwardstown on the train, then coffee and cake, a wheel allignment, and to Mansfield Park (which will not doubt be calked Westwood when you are old enough to read this) for sole He Sheng duck. 

The vermicelli banh mei lady is on holidays for 3 months. No dumplings then. Mum :( 

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Stop moving the furniture!!

Wilma isn't sure what's happening here.

Granny's bday and meeting the English folk

It was granny's bday this week so we celebrated here on Tuesday night with a home cooked meal (unusual for granny as she goes out so much).
Wednesday I showed you off at my work, everyone very impressed by how much you've grown and you showed some of your rolling skills on the floor.
Today we played with Louis and Oliver and then to dinner with Mandy and graham who have just packed up their lives and moved back to oz.