Happy first birthday little guy!
What a year you have had. Many trips to the doctor for your various growing pains, a trip to Europe, and you teaching us what parenting is all about. Our lives are so much richer with you on board.
If the speed, love and drama of our first year is anything to go by then we are all in for a crazy ride as we all get to know each other a little better and grow in to our older selves.
Wilma beware, and don't grow up too quick.
All our love, mummy, daddad, Wilma and Mando the cat.
Mando loves the wrapping too.
You are not used to this many toys. Like mando, you prefer the wrap.
Mummy showing you how it's done.
Mr Birthday had no idea that his birthday was next.
McDonalds birthday brekkie. Ahhhh