Saturday, 28 February 2015

Bye to Opa.

Last day of the 500 will be our chance to remember Opa. 

We all had a chance to say goodbye at the (old) Royal Adelaide. 

Sandwiches in the botanic gardens under the shade of an old Norfolk Pine. 

Porsches roaring in the background. 

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Dinosaur train

Train ride in to daycare today was a sleepy affair- I needed to wake you up. 

That is rare. 

You are recovering from your virus no doubt, and catching a little extra sleep.  

Fingers crossed it doesn't affect your sleep tonight- out for Chinese with Uncke Matt. 

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Swap hands

You are so amazing JM! You are now able to respond in an appropriate manner to things- such as waving hello or goodbye, hi-fiving, putting your arms up when we say 'up up', putting your arms up for your sleeves and 'making a fist' and doing 'swap hands', which is used for the car seat and when we are dressing you and you are holding a toy. 

No thanks john, you can keep your snack- but thanks for sharing!
Hanging at granny's house Monday.
Learning to drink from a cup. Will take awhile...
Wet t-shirt off but the pants still saturated. Lucky it's hot at the moment! 

Saturday, 21 February 2015


After a cheeky start to solo standing (only featuring at childcare) you have started doing it at home- yesterday a little, today much more. Haven't captured it on camera yet but these are from the last few days- practicing!!

Little lean against the couch while watching tv stand.
Casual one handed stand.
Get everything in the toy box stand.


Well it has been the wars here for all of us. A hospital visit for you Wednesday night JM which took us to the wee hours of Thursday- with no reason as too why you had cried all night for 4 nights.

Thankfully Thursday night you seemed ready to sleep and had a marathon stint 630-630. Bestest! Mummy needed that coming down with the flu. And a sore throat and fever that continuously woke me up, so clue-ing into why you may not have slept. 

Daddy in the worst of it now but we are all hopefully on the up track.

Still lots of fun things to report.

Soothing a sore throat.
Sick cuddles.
Droopy drooly baby. We thought it was just teething to start with.
Mastering the solo drinking.
Lunch is over mum- taking off your bib.
Happier after a big sleep.
Cuddles! Wilma was actually kinda enjoying this but ready to move if JM got rough.
Relaxing tele time.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Hard days being a mum

You poor poor poppet. Whoever thinks teething isn't painful is crazy. Your eye teeth are getting close to coming through and we've had 2 nights of being up every hour (last night every 40mins- with only one stretch of 2 hours) with fevers and sweating. Nurofen and panadol have hardly any effect.
I can't even get you into bed for your morning nap today- I've tried three times and each time you wake up in pain screaming so I am laying with you on our bed for the next hour or hour and half.
Peaceful for the moment. 

Friday, 13 February 2015

What happens after childcare

To the beach

Headed to the beach this afternoon. One of those gorgeous overcast almost raining days when the sea is glassy. First time JM has crawled into the sea himself. He was do keen I was worried how deep he'd go! We also held hands and walked in together. Lots of fun, until I tried to get the two of us all wet and sandy in the ergo and home. 
Swimming gear on.
And off we go!

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Joining blocks

Buddy. Too much too fast!
Today you managed to join duplo blocks together. Several times so I don't think it was a fluke ;) I cheered and you loved that so you kept doing it again and again.
And you are able to ride your little scooter basically on your own. Granny had you practicing yesterday and now you can scoot it along yourself and get off without banging your head (9/10 anyway). 

Sunday, 8 February 2015


(Great post here Mum- you beat me to it! Xx). 

Messy! Look at those chompers. 

You are enjoying couch time already. 

Last wear of this cute outfit on a hot 38 day.
Crawling over the chairs like a boss.
Zip zap, I be a magician.
More furniture moving- play table from your bedroom to the end of the dining room.
With twin Louis.
All the monkeys! First day altogether in many months.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Broccoli trees

Today you worked out how to grip the stalk of the broccoli so you can just eat the tree tops. Clever monkey! 
Practicing using a bowl too. You just pull eveything out and put it on your tray though and eat it from there.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Monday, 2 February 2015

To the vet

Family expedition to the vet to check Wilma's teeth (sorry Wilma- back with you on Friday for a clean). Everyone was well behaved in the car. Windows down so lots of fun in the wind but geez you two can egg each other on with the chatting- which you did. Inside the vets.
Found the new duplicate boxes handed down from the Conidi-Highams.
Yes so cray cray today.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Furniture removalist

Current career pathway. More moving things today!
And hanging with Daddad..