Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Mummy day

Hey lil man. 
Fun day except the part where we tried to get you to sleep. Some days you just aren't interested.

Today you were insistent on walking instead of being in the pusher when at west lakes (down, down mummy!).

You held my hand and we walked around, caught the lift and found the animals to climb on. Then we negotiated you going in the pusher to go to Coles and after what I thought might be the start of a tantrum you were quite reasoanable. Who knows, sometimes this hippy parenting approach works.

Happy boy today. But I think you are planning eh on moving out...

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Today (Saturday) + tomorrow

Morning walk with mum and Wilma.
A nap on our way to the party!
Party time- Sebastian turns 7.
For me?
Flower picking and giving (lowler).
Sunday was another beautiful day and we headed out for a family beach outing.
Lots of time picking up shells. Not much walking.

Yesterday (Friday)

Morning cuddles.

Went for a beautiful walk around the torrens with baby max.
Haha. Who would've thought we'd end up here 12 years ago (which is when aunty Manda and I used to go out and drink house wind at the Exeter). 

Dress ups at home in the afternoon. You are starting to take to this, and dig through the box of hats and scarves in our room. You also pass me items so I can join in- thanks jj.

Finished up the day helping dad cook, or at least with clean up.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The toddler room

You will be officially moving up to the toddler room at childcare from next week. 

So proud of how well you have fitted in and adapted to child care.

And happy that these lovely ladies, Robyn and Dona, have looked after you.

Catch up

Fun day together yesterday.

Meatballs in the truck.

Playground time!

My beautiful caring boy- watched you from afar lining up your teddies and making sure they were comfy.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015


Cuddles plus Dada equals Duddles. 

Often when you wake up, often when I'm about to go. 

Happy to always give you a duddle mate.  

Love Dad. 

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Terror tantrum

Couldn't get you down for your nap today so at about 2 we hopped in the car and I figured you'd fall asleep.

Crazy screaming and wiggling your way out of your seat belt. This is new. We pulled over and you are now so tightly secured you can't move at all.

Drove around the big lake twice. Eventually sleeping. 

Sunday with mum

Yes, my son. Just licking the butter off the corn thins.
At the new playground down kolapore. All to ourselves, fun to run around.
Ice cream on the way home. This one was all yours and you demolished it!
You kept taking your socks off today but were keen to wear dads. Bit of growing to go, his ankle socks come up to your knees x

Dad's work do!

Friday night we went for dinner to celebrate dad finishing at the uni. 

You were a trouper as always. Super tired and in your sleeping bag in the pram but you perked up when we got to the ice cream store and ate most of my bounty ice cream.

Fast asleep with five minutes in the car, even with aunty cat sitting in the back with you.

Friday, 18 September 2015


Went to CBC today with cousin Sebastian for fave people day.  

You fit in well. 

Hard to believe that you will be there before you know it.  

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Arty Farty

You are so proud of your work. 

As we are. 

Lovely boy / cheeky boy

Childcare days are always so long. I never know how you are going to be in the evenings after all the play time.

Such a lovely cuddly boy last night. You were so calm while we got you ready for bed, a fun bath, reading your book and giving kisses.

This evening you have been so cheeky. You climbed into the car while I took out they bags and wouldn't let me catch you. Finally inside we have run around playing chasey and getting tickled. Lots of squealing!

And just cause it's cute, shenanigans in your toy box the other morning!

Monday, 14 September 2015

Party party

What a weekend. 

Closed up with Henry and Louis' joint party.

Happy boy at the party, especially playing with the water table. Not so happy when you woke up after your nap in the car. After Panadol, nurofen, a bath, milk, cuddles (duddles according to you at the moment) and your farm DVD we finally got some calm. Holy buggery it was one crazy tantrum.

Happy in your show accessories.
Snack time party style.
Calm after the storm.
Enjoying party bag treats.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Tony tomatoes

Out for pizza night with Mandy and graham last night. 

Delicious pizza which you enjoyed although arancini is more your thing. 

You are at a alighy cray age for dinner outings right now but are still quite happy in your chair with food coming. The you ran around the restaurant and played under the table. 

Dessert sitting outside enjoying the warmer weather.


Thanks to Granny for your first show tickets. 

We had a great time together. 

We checked out the baby animals, washed our hands 10 times, saw the dogs, the cats, the police, the dairy, went on the train ride and finished up at the show bag hall. 

Early start, now time for a stubbie and a sleep on the way home. 

Dagwood dog sausage quality is still woeful. An amazing feat of marketing!