Friday, 27 November 2015

Big day out

Friday morning- getting all your ducks in a row.
Off to playgroup in the morning- joyous just love the magnet building blocks but are contemplating a move here. Eventually we went and painted a Christmas wreath!
Joining in with the singing and dancing for the first time! You are usually too busy pulling all the animals out of the basket and mum gives up and we sneak out early.
Afternoon phone calls with teddies.
With Cat and Sebastian in Victoria Square to see the adt do dance rehearsal. You and Sebastian just ran around the grass. You were very interested in the skateboarders and the birds!
Water fountain! And the water goes up!
Off to tea with Travs old work group. You ride bikes with Mila til 830 and then we struggled to get you to sleep until you passed out in your pusher at 10. Big day.

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