Thursday, 10 December 2015

Happy 2- almost!

Mum just put you down for your last night as a 1 year old. 

You called for your animal magnets off of the fridge, and mum brushed the knots out of your hair- so long it gets stuck in your shirt collar. 

Today when I picked you up from childcare you saw an opening in the door, grabbed Ahby, and made your escape down to the kindy end of the building.  

Once Djara contained you- you both legged it and gave a cheeky grin when you realised the gig was up- we left via the office. You blew Fiona a kiss as you said bye. 

In the car, you asked for your remaining bottle, we put on Old McDonald (on repeat...) and you were fast asleep before the end of the block. You are sleeping less and less during the day- your fear of missing out greater than your need for rest. 

Well done on a great two years. I hope you continue to love life, learn from everything, and, despite the grief it will no doubt cause, continue to push the limits. 

All my love, always, Dad Dad. 

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