Thursday 31 July 2014

Night time

The last couple of months you have been waking for a feed overnight, somewhere between 3 and 5am. Nowadays it only takes us 20 minutes for a feed, burp, cuddle and back to bed routine. This used to take an hour or more when you were a small baby.
I don't mind the night feeds (probably as you haven't done them too much!). It's just you and me. It's quiet. This morning (4.30am) we can hear the storm outside, waves and wind. You are snuggled up against me, your chubby little fingers constantly moving up and down my arm or holding on my finger while you feed. Your eyes close, you breathing slows. It's the only time you fall asleep feeding generally. 
Yesterday I realised it is impossible to capture how completely gorgeous you are in a photo. It's just not 3D enough. The sucked in cheeky grin, the bobbly head, the searching eyes, the chubby fingers.
I only hope I can remember it. And I'll keep taking hundreds of photos to try.
Night poppet.

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